An Interview with His Excellency Ban Ki-moon

“Having been raised in a very dominantly male society, I thought that women should also be given equal opportunities — if not more — because there are more women in this world. This I really tried to change, leading by example. That’s why, at this time, there are almost half-and-half, men and women, at the senior positions [at the UN]. This is quite an initiative of which I feel still proud.” -His Excellency Ban Ki-moon

His Excellency Ban Ki-moon and Henna Hundal

On this episode of The Henna Hundal Show, Henna Hundal interviews His Excellency Ban Ki-moon, the eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations. In this interview, the Secretary-General discusses how his early upbringing in the midst of the Korean War helped shape his perspectives on the value of diplomacy. He also reflects on the importance of leading by example in promoting gender equality at the highest ranks of the United Nations.

Henna Hundal