The Henna Hundal Show is an award-winning syndicated news program. The show features the world’s foremost experts for groundbreaking discussion within their respective fields, spanning climate, medicine, technology, business, politics, policy, law, and more. Join Henna Hundal on a mission to unpack and understand how contemporary high-impact issues are being tackled by the world’s most influential leaders.
Henna Hundal holds a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University and a master’s degree from McGill University. She is a researcher at the Stanford University School of Medicine. She is a contributor to Forbes.com, and her writing has been published in The World Economic Forum Agenda, New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, and Smithsonian Magazine. She has contributed on-air commentary to outlets including CNN Newsroom, MSNBC, BBC, France 24, ABC (Australia), CBC (Canada), CNBC Arabia, and Deutsche Welle (Germany). You can follow her on Twitter @hennahundal.